Monday, January 9, 2012

an honest confession

so when i went in to wake up adia for school this morning..she started to cry. we are talking real tears people. and said she felt sick. so. i let her stay home from school. obviously. well she slept in..and around 9:30 she finally comes out to the living room to grace us with her presence. it's super quiet for about 6 point 3 minutes. annnnddddd she says to me "mom i have a confession to make..i am not really sick..i just needed one more day off before i went back to the stresses of school work..i just couldnt handle it today." seriously. in those exact words. ummmm so the first thought in my head was to punish her for lying and make her go to school. but then..a sudden burst of niceness came over me and i decided that i totally understood how she felt and wouldnt want to go to school on a monday morning either. so there we have it. she did pinki promise me she would go to school tomorow "without attitude mom".
ohhhhhhh my.
on a seperate note. bethany went poop in the potty and while pooping..looks down into the toilet. screams. and says "a snake!!!!!!!!!!!" um yea. it was hysterical.
those were the highlights of my day..other than that i made some kick hini zuppa toscana soup for dinner for the first time and it turned out exceptionally well.
till tomorrow then.